
“To empower underserved children and their families in India to reach their full potential and take advantage of economic opportunity through education”

Our vision is to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family, and their community. We support all people regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, or religion. The Saviours Foundation (TSF) uses market-based and community-driven enterprise solutions to empower, protect, and build resiliency through innovative, environmentally conscious, and transformative projects. We deliver our programming through strategic local and partnerships to create a maximal, sustainable impact.


TSF programs are developed within the framework of 4 core values:


“All children and adolescents have meaningful opportunities to grow and learn”

We serve children and young people who are in vulnerable situations, promoting their development and autonomy, through foster care in protective family environments and the strengthening of their family, social and community networks.

Founded jointly in 2020 by us, The Saviours Foundation (TSF) is a unique grassroots organization whose mission is to assist the popular, democratic movement in India. TSF is based on the premise that the Indian people understand how development is best achieved in their country. Therefore, the foundation follows the lead of grassroots organizations in program and priorities. TSF never dictates to a community organization what should be done. Through discussion and reflection, the people decide what is best for their community and present the project to TSF for support.


The Saviours Foundation (TSF) was created in 2017 by a small group of people who had experienced the despair of poverty firsthand and witnessed the power of education to transforms lives. Our goal is to alleviate global poverty so that no child ever goes to bed hungry, is lost to preventable diseases, or is deprived of the gift of education for lack of resources. We believe that universal education, gender equality, and community-led transformation are key to alleviating poverty. Our approach is to partner with grassroots educational programs that provide education to people of all backgrounds, empower women and girls, and emphasize character education and service to the community.

The roots of The Saviours Foundation (TSF) can be traced back to the vision and heart of our dynamic founders. From a humble start in 2017, God has blessed journey to serve those crippled by poverty. To empower the poorest of the poor around the world so they can become agents of change within their communities. Today, TSF continues its mission as a voice for the silent, an opportunity for the oppressed and water for those who thirst. TSF helps provide the dignity that comes from an educated mind, a healthy body, an honest day’s wage and a safe place to heal. TSF is the one who comes alongside those gripped by poverty to offer a hand up instead of a handout.


‘Governance’ is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented, it has 8 major characteristics. ‘It is participatory, consensus-oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law.

It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making.

Board of Trustee

The board of trustees typically includes key individuals involved with the management of an organization. Other individuals may be appointed or elected based on their expertise and experience in areas pertaining to the management of the organization. The board will often have a mix of internal and external trustees.

The framework for a BOT is typically set by regulatory obligations and entity direction outlined in an organization’s bylaws.

Often, they will be responsible for holding "in-trust" the funds, assets, or property that belong to others with a fiduciary duty to protect them.

Board of Advisor

A well-structured advisory board with best practice principles allows people in the organization to test their strategic thinking and access expertise or connections that may not be readily available via other means.

The purpose of most advisory boards is to help the organization gain new insights and advice to solve business problems or explore new opportunities by stimulating robust, high-quality conversations. The role of an advisory board is not to make decisions, but rather to provide current knowledge, critical thinking and analysis to increase the confidence of the decision-makers who represent the company.

Management Committee

Management committee members carry out a vital role within the voluntary sector. Their role is not necessarily about doing, it is about ensuring things are done. They ensure that everything the organisation does supports its vision, purpose and aims. They establish the fundamental values, the ethical principles and strategic direction in which the organisation operates

Management committee members have ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the organisation, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up.


The Saviours Foundation works hard to maximize the proportion of revenue spent on our work. Our goal is a sustainable financial foundation for our conservation efforts, and sustained protection of vulnerable communities. Since our change of administration in September 2020, TSF has worked diligently to build strong financial management systems, transparency measures and checks and balances. We are acutely aware of our responsibility to manage our funds efficiently and transparently, to keep administration costs low and invest our resources in community impact. We've been consistently recognized for our exceptional fiscal responsibility and financial health.

The needs present in today’s world are complex and deeply interconnected. Our program areas complement one another and act as a comprehensive response to poverty.

Donation Expenditure Plan

Your money ultimately is for the poor children and needy adults. Every donation is diligently spent for the food, clothes, education and other essential services that is served directly or indirectly. On an average,85% of the total funds is used towards meeting the programme cost and 15% towards the programme management cost. The organisation upholds maximum transparency in funds utilisation.

Annual Report

An annual report can be an in-depth and comprehensive report on our activities carried out by us during the previous year. It basically outlines the accomplishments made by the organization but its relevance is not complete unless that audited annual accounts are published in it.

Audit Report

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the internal controls, the organisation has appointed Reputed Auditing firm as the internal auditor to conduct a thorough audit of the operations of the organization on continuous basis. These reports are then reviewed by the Audit Committee, that was formed to ensure the effectiveness of the internal control environment. External eminent experts who may not be trustees, can also be co-opted into the Audit Committee.

Our organization wouldn’t be able to do the work that we do without the support of you donors.
All the donations to us are exempt under section 80G(5)(i) of the income tax act 1961.
We also comply with the Indian Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI and are up to date on accounting standards.
*All the donations to us are exempt under section 80G(5)(i) of the income tax act 1961.